German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container

German WH 5cm K.w.K.39 Grenade Container

In a nice used condition a German Wehrmacht metal grenade transport container for 4 grenades 5cm K.w.K.39 “Kampf Wagen Kanonne 39” (Panzer III)
Overal a nice used metal container with its original wooden grenade frame, in its original Wehrmacht field-grey camo paint and text.

Code: 66655
