German Dutch NSB Poster 'March 1943' German Dutch NSB Poster 'March 1943' German Dutch NSB Poster 'March 1943' German Dutch NSB Poster 'March 1943' German Dutch NSB Poster 'March 1943'

German Dutch NSB Poster 'March 1943'

In a very nice condition a German Dutch NSB (Dutch National Socialistic Party) Poster.
The poster comes in a large size of 80x110cm and contains the text 'In Maart 1943 149 schepen met 926.600 brt. handelsscheepruimte benevens 2 torpedojagers, 7 onderzeeërs en 9 motortorpedobooten tot zinken gebracht' (In March 1943, 149 boats with 926.600 tons of good,2 torpedoboats, 7 U-boats en 9 motortorpedoboats sunk)
These posters were hang in Dutch cities by the NSB for the progress in the war.
A very nice and hard to find poster!

Code: 68349

195.00 EUR