German WH Certificate Grouping 'I.R. 489' German WH Certificate Grouping 'I.R. 489' German WH Certificate Grouping 'I.R. 489' German WH Certificate Grouping 'I.R. 489' German WH Certificate Grouping 'I.R. 489'

German WH Certificate Grouping 'I.R. 489'

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Certificate Grouping on the name of Leutnant Dietrich Floess.
Dietrich was a member of the 1.Kompanie Infantrie Regiment 489.
The certificates in this grouping belong to Dietrich and are the Infantry Assault Badge, Wound badge in Black and Wound Badge in Silver.
Attached is also the picture of Dietrich.
A very nice document set!

Code: 76064
