German WH Feldpost Cufftitle
In a very good condition a hard to find German Wehrmacht (Heer) Feldpost Cufftitle.
The cufftitle comes in the original lenght and is clearly tunic removed.
The German armed forces had an extensive Feldpost, (Field Postal Service), that was established in August 1939 with its personnel drawn from the DRP, Deutsche Reichs Post, (German National Postal Service), and on September 3RD 1939 the Feldpost was fully operational. Originally personnel assigned to the field postal service were classed as Wartime Officials, until regulations of July 7TH 1943 reclassified them as Ergänzungbeamte, (Supplementary Officials). The Feldpost personnel were responsible for the collection, transportation and deliver of all military mail for free and were attached to a units Divisional Headquarters staff. Each company sized unit within the German army were assigned a specific Feldpost number to ease mail distribution. The Feldpost was considered a very crucial service and was an important link in the chain to maintain good morale.
Code: 76220