Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David

Dutch WW2 Framed Star of David

In a stunning mint condition a very hard to find Dutch WW2 Star of David.
The star comes in the original frame that is probably attached to the star just after WW2 and never taken out.
The star is in a good condition and not glued or attached to the backing of the frame.
The star comes in a never used condition and is named inside the star 'Jood'. The Dutch language for Jewish.

On 9 May 1942 all Jewish people of Holland were issued by 'Polizeiverordnung uber die Kennzeichnung der Juden' ordered by Reinhard Heydrich, to wear these stars of David on every clothing visual on the left breast.

The last star we found in Holland was about 3-4 years ago. These historic item as this star is are getting harder and harder to find.

We sell this artifact of WW2 out of historical, study and informative point of view without political and/or other intentions.

Code: 77210
