US WW2 M-1943 Field Jacket Pile O.D.
In a very good condition and very rare to find a US WW2 M43 / M-1943 Field Jacket Pile O.D.
The jaccket comes in a very good size 42R and is complete with all buttons and without damage.
The Jacket, Field, Pile, O.D was originally designed as an added counterpart for the M-1943 field jacket, allowing the field jacket to be worn in all seasons including the cold winters. However the Jacket,Field, Pile, O.D. was rarely issued during WW2 as incidentally the M-1944 Eisenhower (Ike Jacket) was soon to be a designated under layer.
This is the first time we have a jacket like this on our website. A very hard to find example!
Code: 78923
225.00 EUR