298 items found
German WH Reversible Water & Tan Camo Parka

German WH Reversible Water & Tan Camo Parka

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer/Luftwaffe) Reversible Winter Water & Tan Camo Parka.
The parka comes in a very good mannequin size and is nicely RBN number marked and also size marked.
It has traces of wear and age on the white side and some small wartime repairs.
A very nice bright colour parka.  read more

Code: 70533


German LW Flight Personel Flight Blouse

German LW Flight Personel Flight Blouse

In a used condition a German Luftwaffe Flight Blouse.
The blouse comes in a small size and has a lot of traces of wear and age.
The insignia is partial original wartime applied and in my opinion partial postwar added.
The flightblouse comes in the yellow branch colour for flight personel.
A nice salty flight blouse for a nice price!  read more

Code: 70534


German RAD Oberstfeldmeister Tunic

German RAD Oberstfeldmeister Tunic

In a very nice condition a German RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Tunic.
The tunic comes in a very good mannequin size and has the rank of Oberstfeldmeister (Hauptmann).
The tunic comes with the Swastika Armband attached and also a 3- piece ribbonbar.
The tunic is named on the inside to Oberstfeldmeister Roh.
A very nice used jacket with some small traces of wear and age.  read more

Code: 70531


German NSDAP Tunic Tie

German NSDAP Tunic Tie

In a very good condition a German NSDAP Tunic Tie.
The tie comes in khaki coloured cotton.
A great tie that makes your tunic complete!  read more

Code: 70524


German WH Sport Shirt

German WH Sport Shirt

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Sport Shirt.
The shirt comes with the original Wehrmacht (Heer) Eagle wartime sewed on the front of the sport shirt.
A very nice shirt in a good mannequin size.  read more

Code: 70451


German WH Wool Shirt

German WH Wool Shirt

In a nice used condition a German Wehrmacht/SS Wool Undershirt. The shirt comes in a good mannequin size and has traces of wear and age. The shirt is complete with the buttons and on the shoulders the shoulderboard loops and buttons also. Nice for underneath your German Tunic!  read more

Code: 70360


German WH Officers Tunic 'Machinegewehr Battallion'

German WH Officers Tunic 'Machinegewehr Battallion'

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer's Tunic.
The tunic comes in a very good mannequin size and is made of Russian Shelter Cloth and still in a good light worn condition.
The tunic comes with all insignia original attached and has the shoulderboards in the rank of an 'Oberleutnant der Machinegewehr battallion Regiment 6'.
Inside the jacket is maker mar...  read more

Code: 70315


German KM Summer Officer Tunic 'Oberfähnrich'

German KM Summer Officer Tunic 'Oberfähnrich'

In a very good condition a German Kriegsmarine Summer Officer Tunic.
The tunic comes in a nice size and is complete with all buttons, Kriegsmarine gilt finish breasteagle and shoulderboards in the rank of 'Oberfähnrich zur See'.
The tunic comes without damage and was resently discovered in a private household in Germany.  read more

Code: 61901


German Hitler Youth Sport Shorts

German Hitler Youth Sport Shorts

In a very good condition a German Hitler Youth Sport Shorts.
The shorts comes in a very nice mannequin size for a grown up child of approx 12 years.
The shorts comes with the original working elastic band and has still the original oil label inside.
A very nice and hard to find pair of Hitler Youth Sport Shorts.  read more

Code: 70279


German WH Winter Mittens

German WH Winter Mittens

In a mint condition a matching pair of German Wehrmacht Winter Mittens.
The mittens are wool made and can easy attach and de-attached to eachother.
A very nice set!  read more

Code: 63667


German WH Short Sleeve Undershirt

German WH Short Sleeve Undershirt

In a nice used condition a hard to find German Wehrmacht Short Sleeve Undershirt.
The shirt comes in a nice size and has still traces of wear.
A very nice and hard to find shirt!  read more

Code: 62548

150.00 EUR

German WH Tropical Underwear

German WH Tropical Underwear

In a very good condition and a nice mannequin size German Wehrmacht Tropical Underwear.
The underwear shorts is size marked with size 5.  read more

Code: 60700

65.00 EUR

German WH Tunic Belt Hooks

German WH Tunic Belt Hooks

In a very good condition a set of two Wehrmacht Tunic Belthooks.
The Aluminium belthooks comes in a light used condition.  read more

Code: 70232


German LW Pilot Gloves

German LW Pilot Gloves

In a very nice used condition a matching set of German Luftwaffe Pilot Gloves.
The gloves are nicely maker marked inside, comes in a good mannequin size and are not maker marked.
A very nice stunning pair!!  read more

Code: 70107


German Hitler Youth /BDM 'Skihose' Trousers

German Hitler Youth /BDM 'Skihose' Trousers

In a very nice condition a German Hitler Youth /BDM pair of 'Skihose' Trousers.
The trousers comes in a size for a 10 year old member.
It has some traces of wear and age and some small mothdamage.
Still a very nice pair of HJ trousers.  read more

Code: 69692


German WH Officers Parade Tunic

German WH Officers Parade Tunic

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Officers Parade Tunic (Waffenrock).
The tunic comes in the branch colour of the Artillery troops and has the eagle and collar tabs of an officer.
Strange to find the shoulderboards still in the rank of enlsited men.
As found in the USA as a veteran bring back.
Nicely labelled jacket and named on the inside pocket lab...  read more

Code: 67508


German WH Winter Filt Coat

German WH Winter Filt Coat

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Winter Filt Coat.
The coat comes on the outside in sheepskin leather, is nicely dated 1940 and has a very good mannequin size.
These coats were very populair on the eastern front by Luftwaffe personel but also Heer and SS troops.
A very nice winter coat!  read more

Code: 65691


German WH Fur Gloves

German WH Fur Gloves

In a very nice used condition a matching set of German Wehrmacht Fur Gloves.
The gloves come in a good mannequin size and has one glove with damage on the side.
Still a very nice pair of winter combat gloves!  read more

Code: 69394


German WH Tropical Shirt

German WH Tropical Shirt

In a very nice used condition a German Wehrmacht/ Luftwaffe Shirt.
The mannequin size shirt comes with traces of use and sun discoloration as clearly tropical used.
A great shirt that matches our Tropical DAK trousers 61523.  read more

Code: 69320


German WH Named Cavalry 'Aufklärung' Dress Tunic

German WH Named Cavalry 'Aufklärung' Dress Tunic

In a very nice condition a German Wehrmacht (Heeres) Cavalry Dress Tunic.
The tunic comes in the rank of Major der Kavallerie Aufklärung Abteilung 7.
The tunic comes with the original label inside and is clearly named to the officer Henke.
On the breat there are the loops for a long ribbon bar and also the loops for the Iron Cross 1st class WW1 with wiederholungsspange 1939...  read more

Code: 69137
