12657 items found
German WH Deathcard 'Walter Url'

German WH Deathcard 'Walter Url'

In a very good condition a large postcard size deathcard on the namen of Wehrmacht Infantrie Member Walter Url.
Walter past away on 21 October 1941 in the Russian Krim region.  read more

Code: 66692

25.00 EUR

German NSDAP Building Banner

German NSDAP Building Banner

In a very good condition a German NSDAP Building Banner.
The double sided banner comes in a size of 70x195cm and is on top folded for banner use.
The swastika comes on both sides.
A very nice banner!  read more

Code: 66649


German WH Press photo 'Richtkreis'

German WH Press photo 'Richtkreis'

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Press Photo of an Heeres NCO preparing the Artillery Optics.
The press photo is nicely marked on the reverse with the Original paper tag that reads: Artillerie geht in Stellung, Der Richtkreis wird Eingestellt.
PK-Dick-Atl. dated 27-2- 1940.
The photo comes in a size of approx 10x15cm.  read more

Code: 59314

35.00 EUR

German WH Deatchard Father & Son

German WH Deatchard Father & Son

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Death card of Father and Son 'Valentin Stollberger.
Father was also a veteran of WW1 and past away on 4 August 1944 in Russia as a Member of Org. Todt.
Son Valentin past away on 5 April 1944 also on the eastern front.
A very nice combined deathcard.  read more

Code: 66694

35.00 EUR

German Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords

German Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords

In a very good condition a German War Merit Cross 2nd Class with swords (or Kriegsverdienstkreuz2.Klasse mit Schwertern)
The brass made medal has no maker marking.
A very nice medal!  read more

Code: 66706


German Third Reich Tabacco 'Olanda'

German Third Reich Tabacco 'Olanda'

In a very good condition a German Third Reich Era Tabacco Package of 'Olanda Brinkmann Tabacco'.
The package has still the original content inside and the original German Third Reich Tax label.  read more

Code: 66583


British WW2 Shell Dressing 1942

British WW2 Shell Dressing 1942

In a mint condition a British WW2 Shell Dressing.
The dressing is nicely maker marked by Southalls Birmingham and is dated 1942.
A stunning unissued package!  read more

Code: 66324


German LW Sweat Collar

German LW Sweat Collar

In a very good condition a German Luftwaffe Tunic Sweat collar.
The collar comes on the outside in the Luftwaffe Blue colour.  read more

Code: 66735


German DAF Cap Badge

German DAF Cap Badge

In a very good condition a German DAF (German Labour Front) Cap Badge.
The cap badge comes with RZM maker marking on the reverse side.  read more

Code: 66607



German "Willrich" Type postcard "Major Koch"

In a nice condition a German 'Willrich' period picture-postcard with a very nice drawing of Major Koch,Fallschirmjager, in overall very nice condition.  read more

Code: 64953


German DAF Memberpass

German DAF Memberpass

In a very nice condition a German DAF (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) Memberpass.
The member pass is fully written and used from 1938 till 1944 and contains various contribution stamps inside.  read more

Code: 66666

25.00 EUR

German WH GBJ Deathcard

German WH GBJ Deathcard

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Deathcard of a Heeres Gebirgsjäger on the name of Gruppenfuhrer Franz Novi.
Franz had fallen on 16 November 1943 in the Russian Krim Region.  read more

Code: 66691

35.00 EUR

German Third Reich Period Moth Powder

German Third Reich Period Moth Powder

In a nice used condition a German Third Reich Period package of Moth Powder.
The package comes with some of it's original content.  read more

Code: 66397


German WH Officer Visor Cap Cocarde

German WH Officer Visor Cap Cocarde

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer Visor Cap hand-embroiderd cocarde.
The cocarde is never cap attached and is a stunning item to complete your cap!  read more

Code: 66591

55.00 EUR

German WH Shooting Lanyard Insignia

German WH Shooting Lanyard Insignia

In a mint condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Schutzenschnur (Lanyard) Shooting insignia.
The insignia comes with all three prongs attached.
Never used item  read more

Code: 66626

55.00 EUR

German WH Soldier Songbook

German WH Soldier Songbook

In a very nice condition a German Wehrmacht Soldier Songbook (Soldaten Liederbuch).
The book comes with various well known songs.  read more

Code: 66596


German Third Reich Era Tabacco 'Böninger Leibspeise'

German Third Reich Era Tabacco 'Böninger Leibspeise'

In a mint condition a German Third Reich Era Package of 50 gram Tabacco 'Böninger Leibspeise'
The package comes with the original content still inside.
A very nice tabacco package for display!  read more

Code: 66585


German NSKK Driver's Sleeve Patch Insignia

German NSKK Driver's Sleeve Patch Insignia

In a very nice condition a German NSKK Driver's sleeve patch insignia.  read more

Code: 66624

45.00 EUR

German Certificate HJ Shooting Badge

German Certificate HJ Shooting Badge

In a very good condition a German Hitler Youth Certificate for the Hitler Youth Shooting Badge.
The hard to find certificate is on the name of Lothar Bornhauser and is dated 1941.  read more

Code: 66592

55.00 EUR

German WH Signal Headphone

German WH Signal Headphone

In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Signal Troops Headphone.
The headphone comes with the original cable and plug.
A very nice headphone to add to your FF33 fieldradio.  read more

Code: 66598
