German WH Deathcard 'Walter Url'
In a very good condition a large postcard size deathcard on the namen of Wehrmacht Infantrie Member Walter Url.
Walter past away on 21 October 1941 in the Russian Krim region. read more
25.00 EUR
German NSDAP Building Banner
In a very good condition a German NSDAP Building Banner.
The double sided banner comes in a size of 70x195cm and is on top folded for banner use.
The swastika comes on both sides.
A very nice banner! read more
German WH Press photo 'Richtkreis'
In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Press Photo of an Heeres NCO preparing the Artillery Optics.
The press photo is nicely marked on the reverse with the Original paper tag that reads: Artillerie geht in Stellung, Der Richtkreis wird Eingestellt.
PK-Dick-Atl. dated 27-2- 1940.
The photo comes in a size of approx 10x15cm. read more
35.00 EUR
German WH Deatchard Father & Son
In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Death card of Father and Son 'Valentin Stollberger.
Father was also a veteran of WW1 and past away on 4 August 1944 in Russia as a Member of Org. Todt.
Son Valentin past away on 5 April 1944 also on the eastern front.
A very nice combined deathcard. read more
35.00 EUR
German Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords
In a very good condition a German War Merit Cross 2nd Class with swords (or Kriegsverdienstkreuz2.Klasse mit Schwertern)
The brass made medal has no maker marking.
A very nice medal! read more
German Third Reich Tabacco 'Olanda'
In a very good condition a German Third Reich Era Tabacco Package of 'Olanda Brinkmann Tabacco'.
The package has still the original content inside and the original German Third Reich Tax label. read more
British WW2 Shell Dressing 1942
In a mint condition a British WW2 Shell Dressing.
The dressing is nicely maker marked by Southalls Birmingham and is dated 1942.
A stunning unissued package! read more
German LW Sweat Collar
In a very good condition a German Luftwaffe Tunic Sweat collar.
The collar comes on the outside in the Luftwaffe Blue colour. read more
German DAF Cap Badge
In a very good condition a German DAF (German Labour Front) Cap Badge.
The cap badge comes with RZM maker marking on the reverse side. read more
German "Willrich" Type postcard "Major Koch"
In a nice condition a German 'Willrich' period picture-postcard with a very nice drawing of Major Koch,Fallschirmjager, in overall very nice condition. read more
German DAF Memberpass
In a very nice condition a German DAF (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) Memberpass.
The member pass is fully written and used from 1938 till 1944 and contains various contribution stamps inside. read more
25.00 EUR
German WH GBJ Deathcard
In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Deathcard of a Heeres Gebirgsjäger on the name of Gruppenfuhrer Franz Novi.
Franz had fallen on 16 November 1943 in the Russian Krim Region. read more
35.00 EUR
German Third Reich Period Moth Powder
In a nice used condition a German Third Reich Period package of Moth Powder.
The package comes with some of it's original content. read more
German WH Officer Visor Cap Cocarde
In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer Visor Cap hand-embroiderd cocarde.
The cocarde is never cap attached and is a stunning item to complete your cap! read more
55.00 EUR
German WH Shooting Lanyard Insignia
In a mint condition a German Wehrmacht (Heer) Schutzenschnur (Lanyard) Shooting insignia.
The insignia comes with all three prongs attached.
Never used item read more
55.00 EUR
German WH Soldier Songbook
In a very nice condition a German Wehrmacht Soldier Songbook (Soldaten Liederbuch).
The book comes with various well known songs. read more
German Third Reich Era Tabacco 'Böninger Leibspeise'
In a mint condition a German Third Reich Era Package of 50 gram Tabacco 'Böninger Leibspeise'
The package comes with the original content still inside.
A very nice tabacco package for display! read more
German NSKK Driver's Sleeve Patch Insignia
In a very nice condition a German NSKK Driver's sleeve patch insignia. read more
45.00 EUR
German Certificate HJ Shooting Badge
In a very good condition a German Hitler Youth Certificate for the Hitler Youth Shooting Badge.
The hard to find certificate is on the name of Lothar Bornhauser and is dated 1941. read more
55.00 EUR
German WH Signal Headphone
In a very good condition a German Wehrmacht Signal Troops Headphone.
The headphone comes with the original cable and plug.
A very nice headphone to add to your FF33 fieldradio. read more