Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Hans Sturm'
In a very good condition a postwar postcard with original signature of Hans Sturm.
Leutnant Hans Sturm earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 26, 1942 as Gefreiter und Melder in the 6. Kompanie/ Infanterie-Regiment 473 of the 253. Infanterie-Division.
The picture print is made just after the recipient of the Knight's cross. read more
45.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Günter Braake'
In a very good condition a postwar postcard with original signature of Günter Braake.
Hauptmann Günter Braake earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on August 27, 1944 as Oberleutnant und Stellvertretender Führer of I. Bataillon/ Grenadier-Regiment 422 of the 126. Infanterie-Division.
The postcard with signature comes together with a personal letter and an extra picture with ... read more
60.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Konrad Brettschneider'
In a very good condition a postwar postcard with original signature of Konrad Brettschneider.
Oberleutnant Brettschneider earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on February 1, 1945 as Oberleutnant/
Führer 1. / Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 904 / Heerestruppe.
The picture with signature comes together with a personal letter and the wartime achievement record of Konrad. read more
75.00 EUR
Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Heinrich Bastian'
In a very good condition a postwar photo with original signature of Heinrich Bastian.
SS-Obersturmführer Bastian earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on May 6,1945 as SS-Obersturmführer und Führer, II. Bataillon, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3 "Deutschland".
The picture with signature comes together with a personal letter and his wartime achievement record. read more
120.00 EUR
Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Fritz Langanke'
In a very good condition a postwar picture with original signature of Fritz Langanke.
SS-Obersturmführer Fritz Langanke earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on August 27, 1944 as SS-Standarten-Oberjunker und Zugführer of the 2. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 of the 2. SS-Panzer-Division “Das Reich“.
The postcard with signature comes with a personal letter from Fritz. read more
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC&OLC Recipient 'Wilhelm Niggemeyer'
In a very good condition a postwar postcard with original signature of Wilhelm Niggemeyer.
Leutnant der Reserve Niggemeyer earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 18, 1942 as Führer 2.Kompanie Pionier Bataillon 26 of the 26.Infanterie Division.
He was awarded the Oakleaves on 17th May 1943 as
Bataillonsadjutant Pionier Bataillon 26. read more
55.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht KC&OLC Recipient 'Dr.Jur. Wolfgang Rust'
In a very good condition a postwar picture with original signature of Dr. Jur. Wolfgang Rust.
Hauptmann Rust was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on Juen 24,1944 as a Adjutant of Grenadier-Regiment 11 and the oakleaves on March 11,1945.
A very hard to find signature! read more
60.00 EUR
Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Heinz Jürgens'
In a very good condition a postwar picture with original signature of Heinz Jürgens.
Hauptsturmführer Heinz Jürgens earned the DGerman Cross in Gold and Knight’s Cross of the Iron Corss with SS-Polizei-Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung 4 of the 4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division on May 8,1945.
The picture with signature comes with his war achievement record and a personal letter fr... read more
125.00 EUR
Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Friedrich Blond'
In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Friedrich Blond.
SS-Untersturmführer Friedrich Blond earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 28, 1945 as SS-Untersturmführer with the 12. Kompanie/ SS-Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs- und Ersatz-Bataillon 1 “LSSAH”.
The picture with signature comes together with a personal note. read more
99.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht KC Recipient 'Reinhold Böhmke'
In a very good condition a postwar picture with original signature of Reinhold Böhmke.
Oberfeldwebel Reinhold Böhmke earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 6, 1944 as Oberfeldwebel und Zugführer in the 13. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 162 of the 61. Infanterie-Division.
The picture with signature comes together with the original war achievement record of Reinhold. read more
50.00 EUR
Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Dr. Heinrich Neumann'
In a very good condition a set of two postwar photo with original signature of Heinrich Neumann.
Oberstarzt Heinrich Neumann earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on August 21, 1941 as Oberstabarzt und Regimentsarzt of the Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1 of the 7. Flieger-Division.
The set with signed pictures comes together with a personal letter from Dr. Neumann. read more
Signature of Wehrmacht KC Recipient 'Georg Pröhl'
In a very good condition a postwar photo with original signature of Georg Pröhl.
Rittmeister Georg Pröhl earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on December 9,1944 as Chief of the 2./Jäger-Regiment 39.
A hard to find signature! read more
50.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht (Heer) KC Recipient 'Karl-Heinz Lichte'
In a very good condition a postwar picture with original signature of Karl-Heinz Lichte.
Karl-Heinz earned the German Cross in Gold and Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross as Chef of 5./ SS-Panzer-Regiment 5 “Wiking”.
Knight’s Cross was awarded for his actions during the relief efforts toward Budapest in January 1945.
The picture with signature comes together with his wartim... read more
75.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Joachim Barth'
In a very good condition a postwar postcard with original signature of Joachim Barth.
Hauptmann Barth earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on December 17, 1942 as Hauptmann/ Kommandeur, Panzerjäger-Abteilung 13, 13. Infanterie-Division.
The picture with signature comes together with letter and envelop written by Joachim Barth.
The following newspaper excerpt (dated 2... read more
55.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Georg Audenrieth'
In a very good condition a Postwar Picture with original signature of Georg Audenrieth.
Stabsgefreiter Georg Audenrieth earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on February 10, 1945 as Stabsgefreiter und Gruppenführer in the 3. Kompanie/ Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99 of the 1. Gebirgs-Division.
The picture with signature comes together with a personal letter,deathnotice and picture... read more
65.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Otmar Hermes'
In a very good condition a original postwar signature on a postwar photo (size A4) of Othmar Hermes.
Leutnant Hermes Othmar earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on June 11, 1944 as Gefreiter und Kompaniemelder in the 6. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 464 of the 253. Infanterie-Division. read more
55.00 EUR
Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Gerhard Krems'
In a very good condition a original postwar signature on a postwar photo of Gerhard Krems.
Oberleutnant Gerhard Krems earned the Kinght's Cross of the Iron Cross on May 25, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Flugzeugführer in the 2. Staffel/ Kampfgeschwader 27 “Boelcke”.
The photo comes together with postwar letters, other pictures and copies of certificates. read more
65.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Heinz Angelmaier'
In a very good condition a postwar photo signed by WW2 Herman Göring Fallschirm-Panzer Ace and Knights Cross winner Heinz Angelmaier.
Angelmaier was Führer of StuG Abteilung 279, Fsch-Pz-Division 2 "Herman Göring." Angelmaier won his RK for destroying 23 Russian Tanks during defensive actions in East Prussia at Breitenstein. With only 6 tanks and infantry support, Angelmeier was able to ... read more
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Gerhard Steinert'
In a very good condition a original postwar signature on a postwar picture of Gerhard Steinert.
Oberleutnant Gerhard Steinert earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 21, 1944 as Oberleutnant und Chef of the 9. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 523 of the 297. Infanterie-Division.
The picture comes with his wartime achievement record. read more
45.00 EUR
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt'
In a very good condition a original signature on a postwar portrait picture of Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt. Major Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt earned the German Cross in Gold on February 12, 1943 with Grenadier-Regiment 53 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on March 17, 1944 as Major und stellvertretender Führer of Grenadier-Regiment 11 of the 131. Infanterie-Division and the oakleaves on May 9, 194... read more
50.00 EUR