411 items found
Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Joachim Barth'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Joachim Barth'

In a very good condition a postwar postcard with original signature of Joachim Barth.
Hauptmann Barth earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on December 17, 1942 as Hauptmann/ Kommandeur, Panzerjäger-Abteilung 13, 13. Infanterie-Division.
The picture with signature comes together with letter and envelop written by Joachim Barth.
The following newspaper excerpt (dated 2...  read more

Code: 75118

55.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Georg Audenrieth'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Georg Audenrieth'

In a very good condition a Postwar Picture with original signature of Georg Audenrieth.
Stabsgefreiter Georg Audenrieth earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on February 10, 1945 as Stabsgefreiter und Gruppenführer in the 3. Kompanie/ Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99 of the 1. Gebirgs-Division.
The picture with signature comes together with a personal letter,deathnotice and picture...  read more

Code: 75122

65.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Otmar Hermes'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Otmar Hermes'

In a very good condition a original postwar signature on a postwar photo (size A4) of Othmar Hermes.
Leutnant Hermes Othmar earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on June 11, 1944 as Gefreiter und Kompaniemelder in the 6. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 464 of the 253. Infanterie-Division.  read more

Code: 74517

55.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Gerhard Krems'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Gerhard Krems'

In a very good condition a original postwar signature on a postwar photo of Gerhard Krems.
Oberleutnant Gerhard Krems earned the Kinght's Cross of the Iron Cross on May 25, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Flugzeugführer in the 2. Staffel/ Kampfgeschwader 27 “Boelcke”.
The photo comes together with postwar letters, other pictures and copies of certificates.  read more

Code: 74522

65.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Heinz Angelmaier'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Heinz Angelmaier'

In a very good condition a postwar photo signed by WW2 Herman Göring Fallschirm-Panzer Ace and Knights Cross winner Heinz Angelmaier.
Angelmaier was Führer of StuG Abteilung 279, Fsch-Pz-Division 2 "Herman Göring." Angelmaier won his RK for destroying 23 Russian Tanks during defensive actions in East Prussia at Breitenstein. With only 6 tanks and infantry support, Angelmeier was able to ...  read more

Code: 74530


Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Gerhard Steinert'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Gerhard Steinert'

In a very good condition a original postwar signature on a postwar picture of Gerhard Steinert.
Oberleutnant Gerhard Steinert earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 21, 1944 as Oberleutnant und Chef of the 9. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 523 of the 297. Infanterie-Division.
The picture comes with his wartime achievement record.  read more

Code: 74525

45.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt'

In a very good condition a original signature on a postwar portrait picture of Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt. Major Oskar-Hubert Dennhardt earned the German Cross in Gold on February 12, 1943 with Grenadier-Regiment 53 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on March 17, 1944 as Major und stellvertretender Führer of Grenadier-Regiment 11 of the 131. Infanterie-Division and the oakleaves on May 9, 194...  read more

Code: 74533

50.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Alfred Regeniter'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Alfred Regeniter'

In a very good condition an original postwar signature on a postwar Picture of Alfred Regeniter.
Leutnant Alfred Regeniter earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 5, 1945 as Leutnant und Führer of the 3. Batterie/ Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 276.
The picture comes together with postwar letters,documents and more signatures.  read more

Code: 74523


Signature of Kriegsmarine KC-Recipient 'Siegfried Koitschka'

Signature of Kriegsmarine KC-Recipient 'Siegfried Koitschka'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Siegfried Koitschka.
Oberleutnant zur See Siegfried Koitschka earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on January 27, 1944 as Oberleutnant zur See und Kommandant of Uboot “U-616”.  read more

Code: 74537

35.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Hanns Lutter'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Hanns Lutter'

In a very good condition a picture with original signature of Johannes “Hanns” Lutter. Hauptmann Johannes “Hanns” Lutter earned the German Cross in Gold on August 21, 1942 as Leutnant in the 4. Staffel/ Zerstörergeschwader 1 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on October 5, 1941 as Oberfeldwebel und Flugzeugführer of in the II. Gruppe/ Schnellkampfgeschwader 210.
The picture comes t...  read more

Code: 74549

45.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Hanns Lutter'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Hanns Lutter'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Johannes “Hanns” Lutter. Hauptmann Johannes “Hanns” Lutter earned the German Cross in Gold on August 21, 1942 as Leutnant in the 4. Staffel/ Zerstörergeschwader 1 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on October 5, 1941 as Oberfeldwebel und Flugzeugführer of in the II. Gruppe/ Schnellkampfgeschwader 210.  read more

Code: 74550

35.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Erhard Nippa'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Erhard Nippa'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picutre with original signature of Erhard Nippa.
Oberleutnant Erhard Nippa earned the German Cross in Gold on April 29, 1943 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on March 26, 1944 as Oberleutnant und Flugzeugführer in the 15. Staffel/ schweres Kampfgeschwader 10.
The picture comes together with a personal letter and his wartime achi...  read more

Code: 74532

55.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Kurt Bischof'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Kurt Bischof'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture in a stunning large (approx A4) size with original signature of Kurt Bischof.
Obergefreiter Kurt Bischof earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 14, 1945 as Obergefreiter und Melder in the 5. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 337 of the 208. Infanterie-Division.  read more

Code: 74513

55.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Günter Halm'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Günter Halm'

In a very good condition a large size portrait picture (size approx A4) with original signature of Günter Halm.
Leutnant Günter Halm earned the Knight's Cross on July 29, 1942 as Grenadier in the Grenadier-Regiment 104 of the 15. Panzer-Division.
A wellknown picture is from him with Erwin Rommel that gives Günter the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross in Afrika  read more

Code: 74512


Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Erhard Jähnert'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Erhard Jähnert'

In a very good condition a postwar postcard photo with orginal signature of Erhard Jähnert.
Major Erhard Jähnert earned the German Cross in Gold on June 17, 1942 as Oberfeldwebel und Flugzeugführer in the 9. Staffel/ Sturzkampfgeschwader 3 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on May 18, 1943 as Leutnant und Flugzeugführer (Staffelkapitän) in III. Gruppe/ Sturzkampfgeschwader 3  read more

Code: 73934

45.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Heinrich Köhler'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Heinrich Köhler'

In a very good condition a postwar photo with original signature of Heinrich Köhler.
Leutnant Heinrich Köhler earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 20, 1945 as Leutnant und Zugführer in the 3. Batterie/ Heeres-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 210.
The signed picture comes with the wartime achievement letter of Heinrich.  read more

Code: 74551

35.00 EUR

Signature of Kriegsmarine KC & OLC -Recipient 'Georg Lassen'

Signature of Kriegsmarine KC & OLC -Recipient 'Georg Lassen'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with orginal postwar signature of Georg Lassen.
Korvettenkapitän Georg Lassen was a German U-boat commander during World War II. He was a Watch Officer on U-29 at the outbreak of the war and later the skipper of the U-160 and recieved the Knight’s Cross on 10 August 1942 and the Oakleaves on 7 March 1943.

Whist aboard th...  read more

Code: 74526

65.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Ernst Neufeld'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Ernst Neufeld'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Ernst Neufeld.
Ernst Neufeld earned the German Cross in Gold on October 18, 1941 as Oberwachtmeister in the 3. Kompanie/ Radfahr-Abteilung 1 of the 1. Kavallerie-Division and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on January 3, 1943 as Oberfeldwebel und Zugführer with 2. Kompanie/ Kradschützen-Bataillon 40 of th...  read more

Code: 74562

35.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Günther Rall'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Günther Rall'

In a very good condition a original picture with signature of Günther Rall.
Major Günther Rall earned the German Cross in Gold on December 15, 1941 with the 8. Staffel/ Jagdgeschwader 52, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 4, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Staffelkapitän of the 8. Staffel/ Jagdgeschwader 52 (65 aerial victories), the Oakleves on October 26, 1942 as as Oberleutn...  read more

Code: 74527

65.00 EUR

Signature of Kriegsmarine KC-Recipient 'Otto von Bülow'

Signature of Kriegsmarine KC-Recipient 'Otto von Bülow'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Otto von Bülow.
Korvettenkäpitan zur See Otto von Bülow earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on October 20, 1942 as Kapitänleutnant und Kommandant of U-404 and the Oakleaves on April 26, 1943 as Kapitänleutnant und Kommandant of U-404.  read more

Code: 74536

35.00 EUR