411 items found
Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Johannes Richter'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Johannes Richter'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Johannes Richter.
Oberfeldwebel Johannes Richter earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 30, 1944 as Radio/wireless operator in the Stab Nachtjagdgruppe 10.
The signed picture comes with the wartime achievement record of Johannes.  read more

Code: 74610


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Harald Nugiseks'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Harald Nugiseks'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with signature and letter of Harald Nugiseks.
Oberscharführer Harald Nugiseks was an SS-Oberscharführer in World War II, who served in the 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr. 1) of the Waffen-SS. Nugiseks is also one of the four Estonian soldiers who received the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross.
The portrait pict...  read more

Code: 74609

99.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Wolfram Kertz'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Wolfram Kertz'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Wolfram Kertz.
Major Wolfram Kertz earned the Knight's cross of the iron cross on October 4, 1944 as Oberleutnant und Führer of the 8. Kompanie/ Kampfgruppe “Bruhn” of the II. SS-Panzerkorps.
The portrait picture comes with a second portrait picture and a handwritten note of Wolfram.  read more

Code: 74613

65.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Lorenz Neumayr'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Lorenz Neumayr'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Lorenz Neumayr.
Gefreiter Lorenz Meumayr earned the Knight's Cross on January 18, 1945 as MG-Schütze 1./Grenadier-Regiment 755.
The picture comes with the wartime achievement paper of Lorenz.  read more

Code: 74564

50.00 EUR

Postcard with Signature of Waffen-SS KC-OL&S Recipient 'Otto Kumm'

Postcard with Signature of Waffen-SS KC-OL&S Recipient 'Otto Kumm'

In a very good condition a German Postwar postcard Signature of Waffen-SS Member 'Otto Kumm'.
Otto was a German divisional commander in the Waffen-SS and a recipient of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords with Regiment “Der Führer” and also the 7. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division “Prinz Eugen”.
A stunning signature of a wellknown SS-member.  read more

Code: 74544

85.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Hajo Hermann'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Hajo Hermann'

In a very good condition a postwar large size card with original signature of Hans-Joachim “Hajo” Herrmann was a German World War II Luftwaffe pilot and officer who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. Hermann joined the newly formed Luftwaffe in 1935 and served during the Spanish Civil War. During World War II while serving as a bomber pilot he was credi...  read more

Code: 74620

50.00 EUR

Signature of Waffen-SS Member 'Karl Brommann'

Signature of Waffen-SS Member 'Karl Brommann'

In a very good condition an original postwar signature on a copy portrait picture of Karl Brommann.
Karl Brommann joined the SS in 1937. Following his transfer to the 6. SS G Gebirgs-Division, Brommann served on the eastern front in Finnland and sustained injuries on both legs and his hands on September 15th, 1941. November 6th, 1941, he was injured again after having been shot through h...  read more

Code: 74509


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Rudolf von Ribbentrop'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Rudolf von Ribbentrop'

In a very good condition a large size (a4 size!) postwar picture with original signature of SS-Hauptsturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop.
Rudolf von Ribbentrop earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on July 15, 1943 as SS-Obersturmführer und Führer of the 6. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 of the 1. SS-Panzer-Division “LSSAH” and the German Cross in Gold on August 25, 1944 with the 3. K...  read more

Code: 74617

99.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC-OLC Recipient 'Clemens-Heinrich Graf von Kageneck'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC-OLC Recipient 'Clemens-Heinrich Graf von Kageneck'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Clemens-Heinrich Graf von Kageneck .
Hauptmann Clemens-Heinrich Graf von Kageneck earned the knight's cross of the iron cross on 4 August 1943 as a Commander of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503 (Tiger) and the oakleaves on 26 June 1944.
He took part in the invasion of Poland, the battle of France and other ...  read more

Code: 74557


Postcard with Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Eberhard Heder'

Postcard with Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Eberhard Heder'

In a very good condition a German large size (a4!!) postwar portrait picture with original signature of Waffen-SS Member 'Eberhard Heder'.
SS-Sturmbannführer Eberhard Heder earned the German Cross in Gold on March 11, 1943 as SS-Obersturmführer with the 3. Kompanie/ SS-Pionier-Bataillon 5 “Wiking” and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on November 18, 1944 as SS-Hauptsturmführer und Fü...  read more

Code: 74607


Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC Recipient 'Hansgeorg Bätcher'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC Recipient 'Hansgeorg Bätcher'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Hansgeorg Bätcher.
Major Hansgeorg Bätcher earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on December 21, 1942 as Hauptmann und Staffelkapitän of 1. Staffel/ Kampfgeschwader 100 and the Oakleaves on March 24, 1944 as Major und Kommandeur of the I. Gruppe/ Kampfgeschwader 4 “General Wever”.  read more

Code: 74622

40.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Günther Rall'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Günther Rall'

In a very good condition a original picture with signature of Günther Rall.
Major Günther Rall earned the German Cross in Gold on December 15, 1941 with the 8. Staffel/ Jagdgeschwader 52, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 4, 1942 as Oberleutnant und Staffelkapitän of the 8. Staffel/ Jagdgeschwader 52 (65 aerial victories), the Oakleves on October 26, 1942 as as Oberleutn...  read more

Code: 74528


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Harald Nugiseks'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Harald Nugiseks'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with signature and letter of Harald Nugiseks.
Oberscharführer Harald Nugiseks was an SS-Oberscharführer in World War II, who served in the 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr. 1) of the Waffen-SS. Nugiseks is also one of the four Estonian soldiers who received the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross.
The portrait pict...  read more

Code: 74608

120.00 EUR

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Paul Egger'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Paul Egger'

In a very good condition an original signature on a postwar picture of Paul Egger.
SS-Obersturmführer Paul Egger earned the German Cross in Gold on December 30, 1944 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 28, 1945 with 1./ schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 502.
The picture comes with a personal letter and copies of his award certificates as Paul added to the picture to the fo...  read more

Code: 74614

150.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Hajo Hermann'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Hajo Hermann'

In a very good condition a postwar postcard photo with original signature of Hans-Joachim “Hajo” Herrmann was a German World War II Luftwaffe pilot and officer who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. Hermann joined the newly formed Luftwaffe in 1935 and served during the Spanish Civil War. During World War II while serving as a bomber pilot he was credit...  read more

Code: 74619

35.00 EUR

Signature of Hitler's Bodyguard 'Rochus Misch'

Signature of Hitler's Bodyguard 'Rochus Misch'

In a very good condition a postwar picture of Rochus Misch on the Berghof with original signature.
SS-Untersturmführer Rochus Misch served with the 1. SS-Panzer-Division “LSSAH” and later with the Führerbegleitkommando as a bodyguard, courier, and telephone operator for Adolf Hitler.
Rochus Misch was one of the last occupants of the Führerbunker in Berlin on May 1945.
He wi...  read more

Code: 74635


Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Othmar Hermes'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Othmar Hermes'

In a very good condition a original postwar signature on a postwar photo of Othmar Hermes.
Leutnant Hermes Othmar earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on June 11, 1944 as Gefreiter und Kompaniemelder in the 6. Kompanie/ Grenadier-Regiment 464 of the 253. Infanterie-Division.
The picture comes together with some postwar pictures also with signature and a newspaper article ...  read more

Code: 74535

55.00 EUR

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Ernst Barkmann'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Ernst Barkmann'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Ernst Barkmann.
SS-Unterscharführer Ernst Barkmann earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 27 August 1944 as Commander of the 4. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 “Das Reich”.
The picture comes with a personal letter of Ernst.  read more

Code: 74556


Signature of WH KC-OLC Recipient 'Otto Carius'

Signature of WH KC-OLC Recipient 'Otto Carius'

In a very good condtiion an original signature on a postwar picture of Otto Carius.
Oberleutnant Otto Carius earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on May 4, 1944 as Leutnant and Chef of the 2. Kompanie/ schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502 (Tigers) and the oakleaves on July 27, 1944 as Leutnant and Chef of the 2. Kompanie/ schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502.
The portrait picture comes wit...  read more

Code: 74548


German Third Reich Era Postcard '50th Anniversary Adolf Hitler'

German Third Reich Era Postcard '50th Anniversary Adolf Hitler'

In a very good condition a German Third Reich Era Postcard from the '50th Anniversary Adolf Hitler'.  read more

Code: 74648

60.00 EUR