411 items found
Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Rudolf von Ribbentrop'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Rudolf von Ribbentrop'

In a very good condition a postwar postcard with original signature of SS-Hauptsturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop
Rudolf von Ribbentrop earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on July 15, 1943 as SS-Obersturmführer und Führer of the 6. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 of the 1. SS-Panzer-Division “LSSAH” and the German Cross in Gold on August 25, 1944 with the 3. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Reg...  read more

Code: 74541

85.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Walter Smuck'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Walter Smuck'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Walter Schuck.
Walter Schuck, born on July 30, 1920 was a German military aviator who served in the Luftwaffe from 1937 until the end of World War II. As a fighter ace, he claimed 206 enemy aircraft shot down in over 500 combat missions, eight of which while flying the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter.
...  read more

Code: 74547


Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Werner Grün'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Werner Grün'

In a very good condition a postwar picture with original signature of Werner Grün.
Werner was born on 23 November 1913, and entered Wehrmacht service on 1 April 1935. His time in the Heer was spent with Panzer-Regiment 5, as part of both 3. and 21. Panzer Divisions. Serving in several companies, Grün rose to commander of I. Kompanie by 1943. A noted soldier of the Afrika Korps, Grün dist...  read more

Code: 74553


Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Wilhelm Noller'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Wilhelm Noller'

In a very good condition a postwar signature on a postwar picture of Wilhelm Noller.
Leutnant Wilhelm Noller earned the German Cross in Gold on February 13, 1943 as Unteroffizier in the I. Gruppe/ Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 “Immelmann” and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 6, 1944 as Fahnenjunker-Feldwebel und Flugzeugführer of the 2. Staffel/ Schlachtgeschwader 2.  read more

Code: 73947

35.00 EUR

Signature of WH KC Recipient 'Hans Böhmer'

Signature of WH KC Recipient 'Hans Böhmer'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Hans Böhmer.
Rittmeister Hans Böhmer. earned the German Cross in Gold as a leader of the 2. Schwadron, Aufklärungs-Abteilung 7, 7. Infanterie-Division on 21 February 1942 and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross as Commander of the Aufklärungs-Abteilung 238, 167. Infanterie-Division on 10 September 1943.  read more

Code: 73954

25.00 EUR

Signature of WH KC-OLC Recipient 'Otto Carius'

Signature of WH KC-OLC Recipient 'Otto Carius'

In a very good condtiion an original signature on a postwar picture of Otto Carius.
Oberleutnant Otto Carius earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on May 4, 1944 as Leutnant and Chef of the 2. Kompanie/ schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502 (Tigers) and the oakleaves on July 27, 1944 as Leutnant and Chef of the 2. Kompanie/ schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502.
The picture comes together wit...  read more

Code: 74561


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Karl-Heinz Boska'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Karl-Heinz Boska'

In a very good condition a postwar large size A4 (!!) portrait photo with original signature of Karl-Heinz Boska.
Karl-Heinz Boska earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on December 16, 1943 as SS-Obersturmführer und Adjutant of the II. Abteilung/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 of the 2. SS-Panzer-Division “Das Reich”.  read more

Code: 74606

110.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Hugo Zumfelde'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Hugo Zumfelde'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Hugo Zumfelde.
Hauptmann Hugo Zumfelde earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on December 9, 1944 as Hauptmann und Kommandeur of the II. Bataillon/ Grenadier-Regiment 546 of the 389. Infanterie-Division.
The picture is complete with a newspaper article from Hugo.  read more

Code: 74605

35.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Johannes Richter'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Johannes Richter'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Johannes Richter.
Oberfeldwebel Johannes Richter earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 30, 1944 as Radio/wireless operator in the Stab Nachtjagdgruppe 10.  read more

Code: 74612


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Willy Hund'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Willy Hund'

In a very nice condition a printed A4 size achievement record with pictures and original signature of Willy Hund.
SS-Obersturmführer Willy Hund earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on April 20, 1945 as SS-Obersturmführer und Führer of the 7. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 23 “Norge” of the 11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division “Nordland”.  read more

Code: 74615

65.00 EUR

Postcard with Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Eberhard Heder'

Postcard with Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Eberhard Heder'

In a very good condition a German large size (a4!!) postwar portrait picture with original signature of Waffen-SS Member 'Eberhard Heder'.
SS-Sturmbannführer Eberhard Heder earned the German Cross in Gold on March 11, 1943 as SS-Obersturmführer with the 3. Kompanie/ SS-Pionier-Bataillon 5 “Wiking” and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on November 18, 1944 as SS-Hauptsturmführer und Fü...  read more

Code: 74616


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Rudolf von Ribbentrop'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Rudolf von Ribbentrop'

In a very good condition a large size (a4 size!) postwar picture with original signature of SS-Hauptsturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop.
Rudolf von Ribbentrop earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on July 15, 1943 as SS-Obersturmführer und Führer of the 6. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 of the 1. SS-Panzer-Division “LSSAH” and the German Cross in Gold on August 25, 1944 with the 3. K...  read more

Code: 74618

99.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Hajo Hermann'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC-OLC&S Recipient 'Hajo Hermann'

In a very good condition a postwar large size (a4!!) card with original signature of Hans-Joachim “Hajo” Herrmann was a German World War II Luftwaffe pilot and officer who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. Hermann joined the newly formed Luftwaffe in 1935 and served during the Spanish Civil War. During World War II while serving as a bomber pilot he wa...  read more

Code: 74621

60.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Arthur Becker Neetz'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC Recipient 'Arthur Becker Neetz'

In a very good condition a signed picture grouping of Arthur Becker(-Neetz).
Arthur Becker earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on August 25, 1941 as Unteroffizier und Gruppenführer of the 7. Kompanie/ Schützen-Regiment 394 of the 3. Panzer-Division.  read more

Code: 74625

95.00 EUR

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC-OLC Recipient 'Gerhard Hein'

Signature of Wehrmacht Heer KC-OLC Recipient 'Gerhard Hein'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Gerhard “Gerd” Hein.
SS-Sturmbannführer & Oberstleutnant der Reserve Gerhard Hein earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 3, 1940 as Unteroffizier und Zugführer of the 10. Kompanie/ Infanterie-Regiment 209 of the 58. Infanterie-Division and the oakleaves on September 6, 1942 as Leutnant und F...  read more

Code: 74565

45.00 EUR

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Johannes Richter'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Johannes Richter'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Johannes Richter.
Oberfeldwebel Johannes Richter earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 30, 1944 as Radio/wireless operator in the Stab Nachtjagdgruppe 10.  read more

Code: 74611


Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Martin Drewes'

Signature of Luftwaffe KC Recipient 'Martin Drewes'

In a very good condition a postwar large size A4!!! photo with original signature of Martin Drewes.
Major Martin Drewes earned the German Cross in Gold on February 24, 1944; the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on July 27, 1944 as Hauptmann und Kommandeur of the III. Gruppe/Nachtjagdgeschwader 1
and the Oakleaves on April 17, 1945 as Major und Kommandeur of the III. Gruppe/ Nachtj...  read more

Code: 74511


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Ernst Barkmann'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Ernst Barkmann'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Ernst Barkmann.
SS-Unterscharführer Ernst Barkmann earned the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 27 August 1944 as Commander of the 4. Kompanie/ SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 “Das Reich”.
The picture comes with a postwar picture of Ernst with also his signature.  read more

Code: 74624


Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Harald Nugiseks'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Harald Nugiseks'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with signature and letter of Harald Nugiseks.
Oberscharführer Harald Nugiseks was an SS-Oberscharführer in World War II, who served in the 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr. 1) of the Waffen-SS. Nugiseks is also one of the four Estonian soldiers who received the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross.  read more

Code: 74545

99.00 EUR

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Søren Kam'

Signature of Waffen-SS KC Recipient 'Søren Kam'

In a very good condition a postwar portrait picture with original signature of Søren Kam.
Søren Kam was a Danish junior officer in the Waffen-SS of Germany during World War II.
He was wanted for murder in Denmark and listed by the Simon Wiesenthal Center as one of the most wanted Nazi war criminals. He was a Knight’s Cross Holder of SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 9 “Germania” of t...  read more

Code: 74603
